Wednesday 25 November 2009


You’re my fourth wall, my writers block,
The one unreachable note. You scribble me
Down like an afterthought and forget later
What it was you wrote. And I like the fool
I can be, sit back and watch you make the
Thought of me some kind of joke, while I
Choke, on love.

My hands are rough now from trying to
Build you up every time you say you’re knocked
Down, try to make a smile from that frown.
I should know by now that the stage doesn’t matter-
The ending, I hear the sound, of the curtain fall
And you, you’ve played your part beautifully,
The philosophical clown.

And I expect too much, from you, from me
And the perfect mess we could be. Its
So foolish to think, that we could share the stars,
Wrong to believe, that I have any idea
Who or what exactly it is that you are.
Time to throw the net out again
And wade into the sea.

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