Saturday 26 December 2009

Stay away

Stay away you, with the shining eyes;
Your head bent but still able to see. Look
At the ground, the sky-look anywhere
But at me. Because men like you, I think,
I know, are fair and few between.

Stay away you with the dangerous tongue,
Don’t come too near. I know you don’t mean
To but when I hear you speak, I have the urge
To run from this body to another- or into your
Warm breath just

Stay away you with the cold touch,
I have felt you burn, have lingered in your arms
So much that you have pushed me away. I don’t
Blame you as such-but-If you have nothing to say
Then stay away you with the fickle heart,
The shining eyes,
Stay away.


The cold is hanging in the air;
In your eyes. Something glimmers
That is not you and I see my breath
Before me- Proof of life and a sign of
The time that has passed and stands between
I look but it is hidden;
Your heart.
In hibernation.

Thursday 3 December 2009


I saw you last night again,
Caught in the turmoil of my dreams.
Saw your face as you stood in front of me-
So different but yet the same and you
Grabbed me and said my name but I
Knew you were not as you seemed.

And still I kissed you hard, and still
I weakened at your touch, and shook at
The words I put in your mouth and
Accepted you as my crutch.

Then I woke in tangled sheets, remembering
You as you are now; heard not your
voice but the ticking of the clock.
And I realised your face will never
Look at me with love again.

Absence is like botox.

Wednesday 25 November 2009


You’re my fourth wall, my writers block,
The one unreachable note. You scribble me
Down like an afterthought and forget later
What it was you wrote. And I like the fool
I can be, sit back and watch you make the
Thought of me some kind of joke, while I
Choke, on love.

My hands are rough now from trying to
Build you up every time you say you’re knocked
Down, try to make a smile from that frown.
I should know by now that the stage doesn’t matter-
The ending, I hear the sound, of the curtain fall
And you, you’ve played your part beautifully,
The philosophical clown.

And I expect too much, from you, from me
And the perfect mess we could be. Its
So foolish to think, that we could share the stars,
Wrong to believe, that I have any idea
Who or what exactly it is that you are.
Time to throw the net out again
And wade into the sea.

Miles and Miles

Is does not matter how you arrive there
Nor if the hour is late or the sky dark.
Silence or sound has no importance
Are you aware?
Of the flickering message that I sent?
Have you seen
The miles and miles that stretch between?

Your heavy head rested on the windowpane
The conversation flowed…
Then ebbed away.
Your father glanced at you again and again
But you could find nothing to say.

You dreamt of the visions you were to see,
Your peaceful face and closed eyes smiled.
Filling your mind with things unrelated to me,
While I dreamt of broken rings.

In your dream
Were there miles and miles in between?
Will you ever see
The miles
And miles
That stretch between?

Source of Light

Standing with my back to the sun.
Its heat, burning. Unable to turn
Around for the fear of the warmth
That will not last. Glowing,shining,
Illuminating light source. Do not
Grow dim on me. Mist and cloud
If I am to savour this one moment,
Let me know in advance when it may
I can grasp for my umbrella and shelter
From the storm.

Wednesday 18 November 2009

Thoughts from a Dormant Mind

I don’t know it’s just
The cold and the chill.
The cramping in my right leg at night,
Connecting to my hand making
Everything tremor.

It’s just
The part of me that looks
At the sea of faces and wants to detach.
Fresh air. Your face and your hair
And the kerb beneath us. Support.

And coffee
To heat a cold body and awake
A sleeping heart. You’re away.
Forget the crying in front of strangers,
Its’s over.

I dream of fields, the air,sun.
Your hand and my eyes looking at
You from underneath a hat.
I feel the ending of one time
And inhale freedom.

Plant Food

Plant Food

The carnations are still blooming,
But the scent fades by the day.
The giver of such beauty
Intends, I think
To stay.

I struggle.
Breath trying to escape my worn out
Something coarsing through my veins
That is not blood.
A moment and it.. slips

I cant remember you.
Cant see what your face once was.
I fight to go back,
Enjoy you in the past.
Something my mind lacks,
Nothing lasts.