Saturday 26 December 2009

Stay away

Stay away you, with the shining eyes;
Your head bent but still able to see. Look
At the ground, the sky-look anywhere
But at me. Because men like you, I think,
I know, are fair and few between.

Stay away you with the dangerous tongue,
Don’t come too near. I know you don’t mean
To but when I hear you speak, I have the urge
To run from this body to another- or into your
Warm breath just

Stay away you with the cold touch,
I have felt you burn, have lingered in your arms
So much that you have pushed me away. I don’t
Blame you as such-but-If you have nothing to say
Then stay away you with the fickle heart,
The shining eyes,
Stay away.


The cold is hanging in the air;
In your eyes. Something glimmers
That is not you and I see my breath
Before me- Proof of life and a sign of
The time that has passed and stands between
I look but it is hidden;
Your heart.
In hibernation.

Thursday 3 December 2009


I saw you last night again,
Caught in the turmoil of my dreams.
Saw your face as you stood in front of me-
So different but yet the same and you
Grabbed me and said my name but I
Knew you were not as you seemed.

And still I kissed you hard, and still
I weakened at your touch, and shook at
The words I put in your mouth and
Accepted you as my crutch.

Then I woke in tangled sheets, remembering
You as you are now; heard not your
voice but the ticking of the clock.
And I realised your face will never
Look at me with love again.

Absence is like botox.